Project manager
Product Owner
R&D Engineer
Designer d'Interaction
Efficient communicator
J Marc Diverrez
Fort d'une expérience de plus de 10 ans en tant que responsable de projets d’envergures au sein de divers centres de recherches et dans le milieu associatif, je développe un sens du relationnel permettant la création d’une synergie d’équipe. Je suis passionné d’innovations, de nouvelles méthodes de travail (Scrum, Design Sprint, kanban, Design thinging, etc.)
![Bertrand Guilbaud](
Jean-Marc is a forward thinking engineer, with a specific expertise in cognitive technologies, you’re happy and lucky to have in your team. Open minded, he is a good listener always seeking for solutions or innovations. It was a pleasure to have him building b<>com with us. I would be glad to have him back.
![Nicolas Mathieu](
[...] Jean-Marc was a strong resource during the discussions to align visions, set up the framework of the partnership and help to define responsibilities by defending the b<>com interests and in the same time with a very good understanding of the Ubisoft context and problematics. [...] Jean-Marc was decisive and very impactful when strong decisions should be taken for the project, redefining vision, next steps and reallocating human and time resources.[...]
![Michel Corriou](
[...] au-delà de ses compétences scientifiques et techniques, j’aimerais souligner la capacité de Monsieur Jean-Marc Diverrez à être un intermédiaire entre des équipes pluridisciplinaires, notamment développement matériel, développement logiciel, data science, designer et à les faire travailler ensemble dans la sérénité pour atteindre les objectifs d’un projet. [...]
![Nicolas Martin](
[...] In addition to having a very great technical knowledge, he has very good human qualities. Moreover, as a project manager, he knows how to create great working environments to facilitate the work of his collaborators. He is very attentive to everyone in the team. [...]
![Carole Le Goff](
[...]Jean-Marc has a well understanding of customers and patients needs, healthcare constraints. Then he can easily translate them in technical requirements while keeping in mind the user experience aspects. [...]
![Jérôme Royan](
[...] What I appreciated most about Jean-Marc are his human qualities. Always ready to listen, with a remarkable team spirit, Jean-Marc was very much appreciated by his staff. Any problem has a solution, this could be one of Jean-Marc's mottos. [...] Both scientific and technical expertise coupled with an excellent team spirit make Jean- Marc a remarkable project manager and technical leader who will successfully complete ambitious projects.[...]
![Pierre Le Gargasson](
[...] Jean Marc est une personne à l'écoute, capable de s'adapter à la nouveauté et réactive.[...] C'est également une personne dynamique dans la gestion de projet, sachant suivre et orienter les tâches pour atteindre les objectifs fixés [...]
![Gilles Coppin](
[...] Jean-Marc Diverrez a fait preuve durant cette période de qualités qui me semblent tout à fait appropriées pour la prise en charge d’une mission orientée vers l’innovation et la recherche : faculté d’associer maîtrise technique, besoins industriels et usages – écoute proactive de partenaires industriels – compréhension croisée des milieux de la recherche et de l’industrie – excellent relationnel. [...]
![Annabelle Boutet](
[...] Monsieur Diverrez a été un acteur essentiel du projet en partageant ses connaissances en ergonomie avec tous les partenaires [...] Il a su à la fois transmettre des savoirs théoriques à un public varié et néophyte et être force de propositions en thermes de méthodologies et de technologies.[...]
![Pascal Gravoille](
[...] I had the opportunity to work with Jean-Marc and in particular within the context of several projects [...] I really appreciated the human, calm and collaborative side of Jean-Marc. Beyond the projects for which we were able to work closely, I was able to appreciate Jean-Marc's willingness to share on his favorite aspects that are the Cognitive Science and the impact of Human Factors in the definition of products and applications. I can only recommend to consider Jean-Marc as an asset in a team.
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